Laura Kovács

Automated Program Reasoning Group - APRe
Email: laura dot kovacs at tuwien dot ac dot at
Postal address: Favoritenstrasse 9-11/E192.4, 1040 Vienna, Austria




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I am a full professor at the Faculty of Informatics of the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), leading the research group in automated program reasoning- APRe.

Research focus:
My research establishes synergies between computer algebra and automated deduction in support of automated reasoning about software systems. As such, my work 

  • enhances automated deduction with computer algebra insights;
  • extends computer algebra methods by automated deduction approaches; 
  • designs hybrid approaches complementing computer algebra and automated deduction; 
  • develops software artefacts combining computer algebra and automated deduction. 

Research directions:

By developing methods based on a tight interactions  between  computer algebra and automated reasoning, I promote research on: 

  • algebraic analysis of systems, in particular for invariant synthesis, termination analysis and probabilistic reasoning; 
  • deductive verification, in particular focusing on safety and security verification; 
  • SMT solving, in particular addressing on-demand theory reasoning; 
  • first-order theorem proving, in particular targeting quantified reasoning with theory extensions. 

My work is also supported by the development of the Vampire theorem prover, the Polar static analyzer, and extensions to the Z3 SMT solver

